
Tips Choose Fruit for Patients Diabetes

What fruit that can be eaten with diabetes? - The fruit is indeed the healthy food because the nutritional contents. Even though so, for fowl diabetes, not all fruits be consumed. Diabetes is marked with the blood sugar level quickly up and quickly down. Therefore it is very important to maintain the stability of the blood sugar through diet that right.

A wise diabetes fowl of course will learn the food that cause high blood sugar and attempting to avoid them. Diabetic; indeed can eat all food, but important monitor number of, limiting sugar and also the fat.

One of the ingredients that are recommended to maintain the stability of the blood sugar is that contain a lot of fiber, including in it the fruit. "But, select the level of the index glikemik fruit is low or that is not too fast to raise the blood sugar,"

The type of fruit with the level of the index low glikemik usually is a type of fruit is sweet. "seasonal fruits such as mangoes, melons, banana mangosteen plantation, sawo, glikemik index reasonably high. The diabetes did not eat the fruit too sweet," Meanwhile, fruit with the level of the index low glikemik among others green apple, kiwi, lemon, fruit berri, or oranges bali.

The Fruit should be consumed in the form of fresh or any blend so that we still get the fiber. "For healthy, fiber needed. In addition to healthy digestion, fiber is also useful to reduce the expenditure of insulin,"

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The consumption of fiber from vegetables and fruits, should also we do when eat after fasting in the month of Ramadan. The aim was to make the stomach full longer and the level of sugar in the blood is not quickly down. "Instead when breaking the fast, we are recommended to drink fruit juice because quickly raise the level of sugar in the blood,"

The source of information: 
Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono Sp.GK in educational media event in Jakarta (25/5/2016)
Tips Choose Fruit for Patients Diabetes